Monday, May 11, 2015

God's #1 Executive Angel

Mother's day. Not many holidays that pack the magnitude of this one. In my opinion, it is to the human race what the 4th of July is to America. If that analogy insults anyone I apologize, no disrespect meant to any veterans or fathers,(hell I am one) just the way I choose to paint the picture. Also a special shout out to the dads that are both. Perception is reality. This was my reality growing up and nothing has changed. She's my foundation. She's an extension of the valve that beats my heart. But her, like all great mother's really is God's #1 Executive Angel, not mine.

Life. God's #1 Executive Angel grants that. Carrying us children from the inner depths of there body and treating there body as a temple to nurture and develop us, before we are ever seen or heard from. Ten months. Most people can't do something this long, intense or consistently everyday with high core values and relentless love driving there behavior. God's #1 Executive Angel does that. I heard a saying yesterday "persistence beats resistance"...feel like a mom probably said that. The most euphoric and overpowering moment of my life was witnessing the birth of my daughter. Wow. I cried and smiled like I never have before in my life. The mother and I weren't together but watching the anguish of her giving birth after doing everything she did the last 10 months was surreal. I see men trying to simulate the experience of birth thru experiments at doctors office and yes its hysterical but for God's Executive Angel it's right of passage to the greatest blessing a family can have. Also not to reiterate the obvious but it's incredibly painful...then again God's #1 Executive Angel often turns that into something way bigger in life, called love.

Pain. The feeling and emotion that resonates maybe the most with us as humans. Could come in form of an injury, mental scar or a hard knock life that never seems to let up. God's Executive Angel never ever let's up, all while absorbing the pain of others. Often I hear  women say there "body is never the same after birth". That's a powerful statement when you consider the abundance of technology at our fingertips and medical breakthroughs. If there body isn't the same, neither should be the way you treat them.

That person went to war for you. Dont ever forget that. Dont treat them the same. Be better. Challenge your preconcieved notions and change for the better. Go to war with that women, she already eanred it more then you will ever get to show in any 10 month span in your lifetime in all likelihood. For 10 months, they slept horrible, binge ate at moments, eating some of the most bizarre concoctions of food that sound more like the diet of a 18 year old stoner then an angel. Gained weight they have no joy in carrying, but damn they do it!

To revisit the word pain again. That becomes a constant on a mother's artinery. Everyday forever they do this, ten months earlier then you think. They absorb your pain as you grow under there steady loving hand. Your sick. There they are up all night, coddling you, singing and walking with you. Second they sit down you cry again. Repeat cycle. You learn to run, walk and talk over time. You fall and hurt your still clumsy self. They pick you up, kiss where it hurts. Tell you your ok, and tell ya "you can do it". Your tongue starts to hurt others as your vocabulary develops. A good mother pulls you aside scolds you and thinks "I'll be damned if my child will behave like that". They teach and lead forever and ever. Repeat cycle. That's what God's Executive Angel does. You get older and succeed and fail at different endeavors. At your highs they cheer you on, at your lows they nurture and encourage you to pursue the art of improving. Something a good mother perfects. Fear is not an obstacle for a mother and her child's bond nor does it influence them to shut down. It inspires them to carry the strength of a 100 men. Your mom is likely your superhero. Pain is a tool they constantly manipulate to justify love, self growth and making you better. God's Executive Angel has that touch. Like a hot shot CEO that defines greatness, a mother defines "love".

Love. Love. Love. Can't say it enough. Love is to a mother's persona what Micheal Jordans fadeaway is to the jump shot. What Elvis was to Rock and Roll. What a rainbow is to the rain. What our constution meant to our countries forefathers. What love is well God's #1 Executive Angel. That's really what it is. I could talk about this til I'm blue in the face, my android battery dies and I pass out. I'll just end this topic with letting your imagination and memory bank write this paragraph, that's not my place to define for you.

(Write what love means to you and your experiences w/God's Executive Angel by strolling down memory lane)

Mother's day. One day?! I mean really?! Same goes to fathers day. Make everyday mother's day. God's Executive Angel makes everyday about you after all. Make the second Sunday of every month mother's day. Get flowers, breakfast in bed and chocolates just because...not due to a hallmark holiday. Take them on a date by the beach and take the knots out of there shoulders w/you actions and words not just your hands. Tell them this week you will do everything. Lord knows next week they will fix it anyway. But really, really try fo process what "Mother's day" is. That's everyday for God's #1 Executive Angel.

Share this with your wife, girlfriend, mother, or friend if you feel inclined.

It's Monday.

God's #1 Executive Angel is back staying the course til next May once again. Interrupt the next year with 11 more Mother's days.

Love You Mom & Same to all other Moms. Your Rockstars.

(Insert your name after all you know this all anyway and share w/her)

God Bless & Stay Cool Good People :)
Joe Timreck

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

What I Learned In A Sandbox of Angels: Outgrew the Hometown Diner or Taken from It?

You were five, your grandparents and parents sat at the Hometown Diner with you on Sunday afternoon asking you what you would like for breakfast, chocolate milk or not, how was school this week they ask and general family conversations are had at this time. Ranging from gossip, to how's so and so, when are those two tying the knot, what do you want to be when you grow up you get asked over eggs and toast. Don't kid yourself each individual family is doing the same thing at this diner, it's the community gathering over food and vintage family time. As American as apple pie.

Time elapses. You grow up at this diner from booster seat on, toddler to adolescent and a young adult you eventually become. A comfort zone at this point it becomes inevitably. And that's a good thing. You took your bikes there with your friends for sodas and baskets of fries talking about sports and crushes you have. Then you become an adolescent and are taking your crush there in your letter jacket from the sport your playing or the band team your apart of. Your elders acknowledge your presence, well aware you are the future of there community. Then at some point things in our generation split in more directions then bird shots coming from a shotgun.

Social media was born in our generation and took off at a rate never before seen. Public propaganda sprouted out of no where like dandelions on an untreated yard. That my friends is truth. "My Space" gave way to Facebook and lines in the sand were drawn over time.

Family Diner conversations slowly became about other things but not your family or community as much. 9/11 happened. The economy started to collapse and truly has yet to rebound. Peoples political stances, failures and opinions were aired out in the open like an American flag flying in the yard on 4th of July. In our generation a picture really does tell a 1,000 words, multiply that by the 100s and thousands of pictures we have posted thru social media apps and think about the shift in culture with that type of information at people's fingertips. That's not even considering the ones put in front of us thru these social apps.  We naturally as humans are wired to judge. Social media just streamlined our ability to do so in a production line manner. Hello Yelp, where novices are experts blasting people's life investments often without merit. How about your news feed? How far can you scroll before you come across something controversial? Not far.

Propaganda and an influx of social medias tools became our country's preferred "community". Did you outgrow your hometown diner or was that way of life and community hijacked from you? Could make the case we are wired to judge and pushed to conform more then ever before in America's proud history.

Believe a saying says the future is best told by the past or something along those lines. Your community needs that family diner, YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, church, or shelter. What it doesn't need is the current state of society. Power of the human spirit has been paralyzed compared to the world our grandparents grew up in....and they know it.

Go ask em'. Listen. 

Those places are the truest "pictures" of life's potential.  Those atmospheres show the power of people to people. Our society is not that. It is the power of social media controlling people or heavily influencing them. Maybe not all people(I know i have at times) but rather society as a whole really has fallen victim to this lifestyle or train of thought and behavior as a result.

This is my pursuit of a happy ending that you or me may never see. But our children will. We saw the world our grandparents grew up in as young kids. It was different in a better way. I salute them for living in a world like that. Evil still existed and the devil was alive and well but he didn't have the outlets that he does now. Time to seal those up. Now is better then never.

It starts with you when you roll out of bed. When you get to work, how you talk to and treat those you work with plays a role. It starts with the street you live on. Starts with your city. Starts with what you WANT for your family. Starts with your attitude. They are your beliefs, develop them. Believe in your ability to respond when things go wrong.  Your desire to be a better person is on you and in your community.

There is a happy ending in life it looks a lot like the family diner you grew up in. The atmosphere created there wasn't a place, it was a lifestyle. We the people...actually...think a famous person said that when trying to create change for the better. I'll end it with that complete the sentence as you please or more importantly with what you truly believe life should be. We the people.....

God Bless & Stay Cool :)
"Your 5 yr old coming full circle"
Joe w/an angels presence directing me (LukeStrong)

P.S.- Sometimes principles are the hand on your brain directing you in the right direction. Luke is the hand on my brain. Go find your source of inspiration and make life better, it's in you. Always be believing.

Monday, March 23, 2015

What I Learned In A Sandbox of Angels: Blogging thru the "Booing" on Amateur Night @ The Apollo

What I Learned In A Sandbox of Angels: Blogging thru the "Booing" on Amateur Night @ The Apollo

I've wondered everyday since I started this blog when the first obstacle would present itself. Now that it has, I've responded differently then I imagined I would. Of course it was criticism and well some was constructive, a majority of it was not. Naturally I was taken back by it, the valid points stuck with me and the negative ones will drive me. The grammar errors I come out and acknowledge from the get go. But to tell me the message doesn't make sense or it made your head hurt because of my lack of ability isn't happening. Nope. This is my boomerang blog; coming back stronger in faith and my belief system alone, then some sent my way. This is the part of my personality that Luke overwhelmed in a positive manner the most. Always be believing. I'll just carry my tune of positivity harder. Blogging thru the booing at Amateur night.

What is a blog? Someone fill me in because I honestly don't know? To me this is a platform to get a message across, that changed not just the person I am or will become but also my intent and vision for life. I love sports so let's use Quarterback vision as a way to get my point across. Do you see the whole field or just a fraction of it? Meaning do you see the big picture in life or you just worried about your corner only. The latter is most assuredly the most common. America- Land of the Selfish. This blog is my platform to give back what's been given to me. I don't need anyone to think like me...But think with me at least. How do we make our world a better place? First by changing how we think. To create change you must first see opportunity. Change is as much awareness as effort or time consumed in creating the desired change. I came to the awareness that due to what was given to me by an angel I'll forever remember as Luke I owed it to my belief system to just do this. So I'm not looking for "readers" necessarily,  I'm looking for people that "hear me" and also see change as a necessary opportunity worth seizing.

Luke is a friend that passed away far too soon but was the most prevalent influence in a sandbox of angels and blessings that is the driving force in this blog. He changed my vision while he was fighting for his life. Pretty sure he had every right to worry about his corner only, who wouldn't?! Here we are in 2015, our country's problems have grown to levels I've never witnessed in my life. Selfish we are, finger pointing and offending each other in general as a society. Divided society? Let's not sugar coat it. So this is my platform to get a more positive message across because it's in all of us to be better on our own merit. Happiness is a choice and your actions are under your direct control more times then not. We are humans after all. But Luke if you hear me from Heavens gates this is for you my man. Passion in its truest and most authentic forms is most beautiful thing in life. Luke was a human soul on fire. This is whole blog idea is a reflection of that memory.

Grammar errors huh? I pick one of the most open to criticism topics(society and our direction) this side of politics and I get messages from people talking about grammar? Allen Iversons famous quote I think applies here, just insert grammar in place of practice("Man we are talking about grammar(instead of practice), grammar man".) I know I have grammar errors I even acknowledge it. But is it so bad the goal of the message can't get across at all? That I find hard to believe and if so, someone please help me then! Insult me for not being successful in making you think at all, even once, about what you/we can do to make our world better. But grammar?! Come on people, really?! With that being said I'll pay more attention to it.

The other criticism I came across was , "what exactly are you trying to achieve?" Which really isn't criticism,  it's more of a loaded question and a fair one. I can't and won't address that past this simple statement. I'm in pursuit of making a positive impact in this world. If I can't do it writing, I'll move on to the next avenue.

I have no shame. If I fail here, I'll pursue public speaking. If I fail there I'll pursue the next opportunity. If I fail after I fail, awesome, I'll get back up.

Failure really is my greatest ally. I became positive thru the most torturous times in my life. Bad luck builds character. Banging rocks together until I figure out how to take this spark of passion and nurture it from flame to fire to out an all out blaze. All in the name of a better world, starting with our individual corners of the world. I'll be the electricity to your outlet.

I'm not wired to let up, the intial support was all I needed to carry on thru the constructive(warranted) & unconstructive criticism(fuel for the fire). Nearly a month has elapsed since the pursuit of this idea came to life. Now I can say it has a heartbeat that will resonate far longer then any negative opinions or references that insinuate I sound uneducated ever will.

We all have dreams, wants, needs and factors that drive us. My dream was born in a torrential downpour. This is it. I want to do what was given to me. I need to do it, after all I promised Luke I would. A decade later I'm still trying. And no outside factors will likely change that. When you want or believe in something, keep on keeping on. Life is a time trial and it goes to those that never quit not really the swift.

So ill keep blogging thru the booing until further notice. Doubters, you to should keep on keeping on. I'll keep carrying my tune until I burn out or achieve my goal.

Anyone that reads this wants or needs something. Enjoy the journey of getting where your going and don't dwell in the end result. You WILL get there if you don't let up. Booing thru the blogging now, but I'll carry the tune until the booing drowns out and the message has a home in as many corners of the world as negativity does. Let's take back our population one day at a time.

My fingers race across the screen of my Android swiftly as I race the clock to finish this on my lunch break. Fortunately the message isn't on the clock so it won't let up. So keep bringing it Debbie downers, keep booing, telling me it's wasted energy and I'll keep carrying the tune on Amateur Night @ The Apollo.

Carry on Good People :)
"A 5 year olds passion"
Joe Timreck

Monday, February 23, 2015

What I Learned In A Sandbox of Angels: Fortune Cookies over the Main Course

You wake up, then choose not to. You hit the snooze button again, like the Pringles slogan goes you can't stop yourself from doing it just once, you mutter to yourself slow "I don't want to get up...". The brutal cold seeps thru the window sill much like heat resonates from a stove top burner leaving you to retreat back to your covers, back over your head they go. It's too cold out you tell yourself. And a long day. Here you are working 9-5 or doubles, graveyard shifts, school and raising a child maybe, all simultaneously. Life is hard. Much harder when you start out the first minutes of your day telling yourself you don't want to get up, it's cold and "it's gunna be a long day". Thats not the way the cookie crumbles.

Your mind is a powerful thing and a good portion of your days happiness, success and fortune is determined by what you believe and tell yourself. Nothing wrong with a morning like that, but do you then overcome your own objections by responding to them as opposed to reacting to your intial thoughts and letting them influence your behavior subconscious or not.  Start over. A little something like this..."I'm tired but I'll be good. It's cold out but I've seen colder. It will be a long day but I'm going to make today great. Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder but I'll take attitude number two. What if you figuratively speaking read your fortune cookie before you consumed the day of experience that lied ahead of you which ill call the main course. You have the choice to even influence how that message reads based on what you tell yourself.  No ifs, ands, or doubts about it. Make the beginning of your day, what you often tell yourself you could or should have done at the end of it. Seizing moments often starts with awareness as much as effort. Often one moment has the potential to capture your imagination if you pay attention, make you think, look in the mirror, around you, scratch your head and say "Huh, that was interesting?!" Not really sure what to make of it at the time so you put it on the back burner. My moment similar to this happened over some Chinese. The thought just never left. I don't know what a true artist is, but imagine there genius blossoms thru moments like this. The unexpected that became a perspective.

It was a Sunday evening,  there I sat across from one of the most beautiful women I had ever met. She was tall, gorgeous and had a dynamic personality to match her stunning beauty. She turned heads left and right in the same capacity that a bobblehead does up and down. All my friends more or less considered her "out of my league" and I gave them more crazy looks then a a Kevin Hart standup when the conversation was approached. The most cliché statement I've ever heard of to this day. Should be on a list of things to never believe. As the story would go, I warmed up to this girl enough to be sitting there eating Chinese with her as well as her daughters. As the meal ended, I started to eat my fortune cookie and she says something along the lines of, since I was so positive I would appreciate this game they play called highlight & lowlight to end there day. Goal was to end your night on a positive. I played along but even as a positive person quite frankly I found myself more humored by it then anything, telling myself "that was silly". The next morning when I worked out, it stuck in my head tho. Just that moment.

Two months later I was honored enough to give an upbeat, hopefully motivational presentation to a room of Managers, Senior Store Managers, friends and people that helped make me who writes this. In my hand was a clicker for my power point and as I looked over my left shoulder there sat a box with 400 plus fortune cookies in it. 15-25 minutes later I don't really recall, the message was well received and it was based around the concept of making your life a fortune cookie figuratively speaking, where you fill it with the message you want to give off from the second you wake up. As I threw fortune cookies to people around the room I thought "how did that chinese meal turn into this?!" That's for someone far beyond by line of thinking to comprehend. But it gave me perspective. I gained something beyond what money can buy that night in hindsight. The fortune cookie is your mind and what you tell it and read into life. The main course is the constant. As my boss calls it, that's a circumstance. Your thoughts are not. The main course of life is your 9-5 job, doubles, graveyard shifts, work, school, raising a family and whatever your life entails. Your fortune cookie is not a circumstance, it is an attitude. A choice. What you believe. What you tell yourself. Anything that drives you. Symbols are only as strong as the message you tie to them. I tie my positivity to fortune cookies that I create the message in. There is no wrong form of good or striving to be a better you. That moment helped create perspective and opportunity for me.

Definitely takes an imagination and if you read the last post you know I'm channeling my inner 5 year old to create forward motion. That five year old I said was a fascinating thing, passion poured out of your soul with the unpredictability that only mother nature could emulate. Let that five year olds resiliency and passion also set the stage for the attitude your going to have today. Now is always the most important moment of your life. Tommorrow isn't promised as the saying goes so go own the only Monday, February 23rd, 2015 your ever going to have in your life.

Today is about you and what you choose to make it, I really believe that. It in itself doesn't always ensure success but it does ensure more opportunity. Don't let the circumstances of life discount the power of what today can be. We accept more then we change. Change how today reads, by what you tell yourself. Do circumstances often run your life? Time to play with the equalizer and balance that out with choosing to impose change into your circumstance.

When you wake up simply start by  planting as much positive ammunition into your life as possible. Today is yours, start telling yourself your own fortune not the main course dictating that to you. Your still on, don't go thru the motions. Go shine.

Years later this girl still has no idea the "fortune cookie" logic was born at her kitchen table over some Chinese and a game of highlight/lowlight that reinforces positive thinking and ive molded into mine over time. It took time to mold and take shape but here it is again a fortune cookie stuffed with a positive, go get it type of attitude.  She was there for the speech. She even heard parts of it as I asked her for opinions. This past week I saw her at random, oddly enough at the same time I started this blog of uncertainty, hope and telling myself "I can" do this and make an impact, if even to only one person or moment at a time then I stuffed a fortune cookie for the better.

She told me that day after not seeing me for probably at least a year or two that she credits me for teaching her to be so positive more then anyone else. I blushed, flattered and humbled by such a strong statement. As she talked about her new business and slogan she wanted I spoke of this "fortune cookie" logic and how it would apply to her business. She paused and said "wish I had thought of that". Truth is she did. I just squeezed this thought process out of that chinese dinner like orange juice coming from an orange. Never short circuit the power of a moment whether waking up in the morning or a something that captures your imagination and comes to life years later. Always be developing the message inside your fortune cookie.
Then when you achieve something, do something great, or are proud you can say "you did that". Because you chose to. You create more then you can ever imagine just by changing your perspective. Perception is reality,  what are you telling yourself today?
Be a message of good fortune.

God Bless & Stay Cool Good People :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

What I Learned In A Sandbox of Angels: Awareness often trumps Effort

What I Learned In A Sandbox of Angels: Awareness often trumps Effort

If you found this and choose to read it, thank you. Hopefully you get these minutes back and then some, after all im not out to waste someones precious time. I was asked a few times what brought on such a title. It's really just five words that apply. WHAT. I. LEARNED. SANDBOX. ANGELS.  The rest are a bridge that hopefully help create a positive message and vision. Its many things I guess so stick with me good people.

Simply it all starts with the five year old in me brought back to life by many of you. In a sandbox. At the age of 30 I'm going back to being five. Humbling myself. This is a new adventure and I'll enter it as I know nothing but passion, faith and being mentally strong. As we grow older we often lose some of our zest in life, myself included just thru the process of maturity. Why can't we have both forever? Rich,  poor, white, black,  man, women Republican or Democrat. It's the age of constant disagreement, being offended and not doing enough good as a society.  Our differences are shoved so far down our throat by the media that sometimes you want to send it back like a burger over saturated with butter at a restaurant.  But overall we just think it's the norm now. How complacent is that? That five year old believed in you more then that. He was never complacent when he played.

Lets start with that. The five year old in you was a fascinating thing, emotion poured out of your soul with the unpredictability that only mother nature can emulate. That kid forgave easily, was resilient,  didn't harbor resentment, was naturally grateful for the time people invested and shared with him or her. I'm going back to my sandbox with what 30 years of blessings and multitude of angels imposed upon me. Both those smiling upon me from heaven and those constructively trying to make me better here in the present. I could keep all this to myself but what good is that. I read a quote that said "What you do for yourself is gone when you are, what you do for others is how you create a legacy after your gone". How true, but often I stop myself before anyone does. A five year old didn't let anything stop him except the sun going down and calling it a day.

This is a new adventure and in essence I'll be a five year old in a sandbox speaking thru the eyes of an incredibly blessed 30 year old and what I've learned thru it all. I wont hold back, I don't really care what 100 people think of this as long as one person thinks something of it. Then pretty sure I made someone proud. Parent, sibling, coworker, boss, stranger or former enemy there is no wrong type of person to help.

Being 5 is an excuse to do things that often don't make sense. I'll make sense of this as I go. I've learned and still learning. First thing I learned is believing makes sense. This to an English teacher would probably be a flood of red pen marks thanks to misspelled words and grammar errors. But that's ok. I'm five. This is my sandbox and I believe what I'm doing in this realm. The sand will be my words and the castles I build out of words are symbols and pillars of strength that I'll categorize as "Angels & Blessings" of real experiences and people. Will consist of highs, lows, sad, angry, depressed, rejuvenated, inspired and anything else. It all will be manipulated and turned into a positive energy force like a five year old imagination in action.

Why? Because I have an agenda, an agenda to not be 50 and realized I missed opportunity due to fear of what others think. Why? Because a decade ago someone took me off park benches and walked down Highway 57 and told me I was going to do something. I'm not letting him down. Because my Aunt created this and I told her I would if she did. I'll hold up my end of the bargain. Because January 2nd at breakfast someone told me to be "mentally strong" and I'm not going to let him be wrong. He usually isn't wrong about people I've learned. Because I don't know who Lance Armstrong is, that yellow bracelet can't be tainted since I remember that more for an angel named Luke. Not some cyclist that was doping. He saved me at my lowest. Pay it forward was his suggestion. Best way I know how as of this moment, is in these words. Luke I miss ya. Because another friend told me I owed it to him to keep writing. My bad I took hiatus, RIP Beav. As you used to say "you already know". Last but not least because I was raised by the Michael Jordan of moms, and she always told me to be the best me i could be. I'm still trying.
Why do it now? Because it officially is MJs birthday. Because I asked for help on Facebook with the technical stuff and several offered up there help. For those people I wont take this slow, I'll let it go and fill in the blanks on this blog later.

Because is one of a five year olds go to words. Along with "I Want".

I want to just try. Life's a time trial and I'll keep on trying. I'll try for my daughter. I want her to be special beyond what even my wildest of dreams envision. I believe in kamra. I want to create her a typhoon of good karma if I'm able and I won't know unless I try. So I'm trying because I want something. I want to be better. I want to start to repay this eternal debt of blessings and angels gave to me far past the few I mentioned above. I want YOU to be feel lucky like I have at times.

Five years olds need things. I need this. I need to be a better person so this helps hold me accountable and true to the vision of the world I believe we can create. I don't need to change the world but I need to make my corner of the world better. So do you. You being better does not affect my life it benefits me. Your best is whats best for me and my best is what's best for you. I need to be a team player. This is what I can give to the team.

This is the beginning of "What I Learned in A sandbox of Angels".

It's really a bunch of things all driven by a singular vision of giving back and hopefully making one person smile. Make one person better then they intended that morning when they woke up. That's all my sandbox has been about in the 20/20 hindsight of my just starting to appreciate it more a score and five years later.

The most cinematic thing in life is emotion and passion in its rawest form. That five year old in you had it.  Always. The sun is coming down on my second blog post and inevitably the longest. It's a vision. A belief. It's you. Ultimately it's mostly all of you behind these words, I'm Robin to your Batman.

It doesnt always have to make sense I said of being a five year old as long as it invigorates your soul. When the sun drops a part of that five year old hangs on running out of his sandbox hopping on his bicycle making some extra laps up and down the driveway. Racing the sunset his bicycle tires roll over pebbles like I envision this blog rolling over negativity and missed opportunities in your and my corner of the world. I'm not a teacher but rather a teammate, a father, a brother, a coworker,  cousin, friend and someone you can confide in.

Just a five year old in a sandbox and I want to build something. Only as strong as you all helped make me and this will be a process but I'll recreate myself from a five year olds soul. Tommorrow will be the new best day of your life. Find your five year old with the wisdom you posses now.

That's life in its purest and most authenticated form of passion you ever possessed. Just ask him. See you when the sun comes back up, I'll be in the sandbox. Learning and trying. Believing. I'll see you there.

God Bless & Stay Cool Good People :)

Monday, February 16, 2015

What if a day such as Friday the 13th known universally for its bad luck actually brought you the greatest of luck. What if the person your friends never told you to leave actually brought you the greatest joy by saying goodbye. What if your greatest fear became your greatest blessing. What if your demons of a decade ago actually converted to your greatest ally in life. What if 30 really was the new 20. What if you thought the impossible was simple thru being mentally strong.... What if you were selfish and that ultimately taught you to give back more then you imagined. What if you made the world around you yours based solely on the power of a good attitude. What if the people you haven't see or speak to are actually the fuel that lights your fire. What if you just refuted the devil based on the heaven you believe in and nothing else. What if you stopped saying "what if" and everything became "I will" or "I did". What if you realized "what if" always gives you a choice. We legitmize "what if" by often defining it as destiny. You are "what if" in everything you do awake. Go paint your destiny and in moments of what if just decide what it WILL BE.....just a thought but these above aren't questions they are propositions really. You choose. God Bless & Stay Cool Good People

Sometimes the questions are complicated but the answers are simple. -Dr. Seuss