Monday, May 11, 2015

God's #1 Executive Angel

Mother's day. Not many holidays that pack the magnitude of this one. In my opinion, it is to the human race what the 4th of July is to America. If that analogy insults anyone I apologize, no disrespect meant to any veterans or fathers,(hell I am one) just the way I choose to paint the picture. Also a special shout out to the dads that are both. Perception is reality. This was my reality growing up and nothing has changed. She's my foundation. She's an extension of the valve that beats my heart. But her, like all great mother's really is God's #1 Executive Angel, not mine.

Life. God's #1 Executive Angel grants that. Carrying us children from the inner depths of there body and treating there body as a temple to nurture and develop us, before we are ever seen or heard from. Ten months. Most people can't do something this long, intense or consistently everyday with high core values and relentless love driving there behavior. God's #1 Executive Angel does that. I heard a saying yesterday "persistence beats resistance"...feel like a mom probably said that. The most euphoric and overpowering moment of my life was witnessing the birth of my daughter. Wow. I cried and smiled like I never have before in my life. The mother and I weren't together but watching the anguish of her giving birth after doing everything she did the last 10 months was surreal. I see men trying to simulate the experience of birth thru experiments at doctors office and yes its hysterical but for God's Executive Angel it's right of passage to the greatest blessing a family can have. Also not to reiterate the obvious but it's incredibly painful...then again God's #1 Executive Angel often turns that into something way bigger in life, called love.

Pain. The feeling and emotion that resonates maybe the most with us as humans. Could come in form of an injury, mental scar or a hard knock life that never seems to let up. God's Executive Angel never ever let's up, all while absorbing the pain of others. Often I hear  women say there "body is never the same after birth". That's a powerful statement when you consider the abundance of technology at our fingertips and medical breakthroughs. If there body isn't the same, neither should be the way you treat them.

That person went to war for you. Dont ever forget that. Dont treat them the same. Be better. Challenge your preconcieved notions and change for the better. Go to war with that women, she already eanred it more then you will ever get to show in any 10 month span in your lifetime in all likelihood. For 10 months, they slept horrible, binge ate at moments, eating some of the most bizarre concoctions of food that sound more like the diet of a 18 year old stoner then an angel. Gained weight they have no joy in carrying, but damn they do it!

To revisit the word pain again. That becomes a constant on a mother's artinery. Everyday forever they do this, ten months earlier then you think. They absorb your pain as you grow under there steady loving hand. Your sick. There they are up all night, coddling you, singing and walking with you. Second they sit down you cry again. Repeat cycle. You learn to run, walk and talk over time. You fall and hurt your still clumsy self. They pick you up, kiss where it hurts. Tell you your ok, and tell ya "you can do it". Your tongue starts to hurt others as your vocabulary develops. A good mother pulls you aside scolds you and thinks "I'll be damned if my child will behave like that". They teach and lead forever and ever. Repeat cycle. That's what God's Executive Angel does. You get older and succeed and fail at different endeavors. At your highs they cheer you on, at your lows they nurture and encourage you to pursue the art of improving. Something a good mother perfects. Fear is not an obstacle for a mother and her child's bond nor does it influence them to shut down. It inspires them to carry the strength of a 100 men. Your mom is likely your superhero. Pain is a tool they constantly manipulate to justify love, self growth and making you better. God's Executive Angel has that touch. Like a hot shot CEO that defines greatness, a mother defines "love".

Love. Love. Love. Can't say it enough. Love is to a mother's persona what Micheal Jordans fadeaway is to the jump shot. What Elvis was to Rock and Roll. What a rainbow is to the rain. What our constution meant to our countries forefathers. What love is well God's #1 Executive Angel. That's really what it is. I could talk about this til I'm blue in the face, my android battery dies and I pass out. I'll just end this topic with letting your imagination and memory bank write this paragraph, that's not my place to define for you.

(Write what love means to you and your experiences w/God's Executive Angel by strolling down memory lane)

Mother's day. One day?! I mean really?! Same goes to fathers day. Make everyday mother's day. God's Executive Angel makes everyday about you after all. Make the second Sunday of every month mother's day. Get flowers, breakfast in bed and chocolates just because...not due to a hallmark holiday. Take them on a date by the beach and take the knots out of there shoulders w/you actions and words not just your hands. Tell them this week you will do everything. Lord knows next week they will fix it anyway. But really, really try fo process what "Mother's day" is. That's everyday for God's #1 Executive Angel.

Share this with your wife, girlfriend, mother, or friend if you feel inclined.

It's Monday.

God's #1 Executive Angel is back staying the course til next May once again. Interrupt the next year with 11 more Mother's days.

Love You Mom & Same to all other Moms. Your Rockstars.

(Insert your name after all you know this all anyway and share w/her)

God Bless & Stay Cool Good People :)
Joe Timreck